Anokhi in English means a Unique. It also means Extraordinary. 
Anokhi’s Logo Reflects Sharing Caring & Serving in a Unique Way
Anokhi Manav Sewa Samiti(07/35/01/14132/17) is non profit organization registered under Madhya Pradesh society registration act,1973( serial 44,year 1973) and working with community of India in field of skill development,health awareness and environment protection situated at district Mandsaur (MP).
Since its establishment in 2016, Anokhi has designed and implemented various initiatives geared towards improving social indicators by working with communities. Anokhi has worked on programs related to children, young people, and women in the areas of health and education & environment protection.
NGO DARPAN REG. ID: MP/2017/0163648)
12A : ITBA/EXM/S/12AA/2019-20/1018117872(1)
80G: CIT EXEMPTION BHOPAL/80G/2019-20/A/10103

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